Friday, November 16, 2007

17 Reasons Why

I was watching The L Word tonight and there was a sign that said "17 Reasons Why" and it made me wonder what my reasons would be?  I am not sure as to what the "Why" is or means....but here are MY reasons.

1. Because it might make someone happy.
2. It would give me something to do in my spare time.
3. It looks nice
4. It would quench my thirst.
5. It's different.
6. No one else is doing it.
7. I can test my limits.
8. I can go where no one else has gone before.
9. Could/would relieve some stress.
10. Would put a smile on my face.
11. It would be fun.
12. Gives people something to look at.
13. Doesn't cost anything.
14. It's thoughtful.
15. It's quiet.
16. It smells good.
17. I dared myself to!

What are your reasons why?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Great list...I am still thinking of those 17 things. Well, ok - I haven't really given it any thought. But I will. Gimme time. And you won't be sorry!!!

Ok, so you will be sorry. Sorry that you even posted such a post, encouraging over-analytical souls such as myself to reply with 17 things. And something tells me I will end up with 18 for good measure.

Great eppy, though. Love that show. I need to become a lesbian.