Monday, April 16, 2007

Topic #1

What's under my bed?

Well, as it is right now...there is nothing under my bed because the mattress and boxspring are directly on the floor. However, when I was younger, I used to think there were monsters or other weird things under there that would grab at my heels if my feet were to hang over the bed. I have no clue where this fear came from, but it got so bad that I would literally make a run for it and jump to my bed from my doorway. My bed was about 10 feet from the door! ROFL. Yea, I cracked my knee open doing that one day. How stupid am I you ask? Apparently VERY! I still catch myself feeling that way after watching something on TV with a similar scenerio, which I suppose is the very reason why I don't have a bed frame anymore! LOL.

I know...I know....I'm a geek!

1 comment:

Black And White Dreamer said...

Hahaha...yea i can relate. I always imagine what i would do if a hand reached up from under the bed and stole my pen outta my hand (i write in my bed) !!