Sunday, April 09, 2006

New Experience

I was over at a friends house tonight and she wanted me to try something. So, for the first time ever I did candling. For those of you who are unaware of what that is, there is some info for you towards the end (in case you don't care, I won't make you suffer).

I have heard a bit about this before, but didn't really do a whole lot of research or see the controversy of it until reading some websites tonight. However, there is always controversy about something. Especially things that are out of the "ordinary" (for lack of a better word).

It was neat, different and I would do it again. It seemed to work for me and I found it relaxing because the noises I heard were a cross between sizzling and rain. All I needed were a few candles lit, some incense floating in the air and Enigma or Llewellyn playing in the background to give it a spa-like effect.

I am wanting to get back into the meditation and relaxation stuff like I used to do before. I definitely want to get into yoga and maybe reiki as well. I have a bunch of stuff on chakras and auras (which I am now a tad rusty with) and some divining stuff as well.

I have found that I am more than just annoyed with...well, everything and have noticed a rather unwelcome anger stirring inside me. I want to find a way to release it. I have a pretty good idea where it stems from (a few illegal ways to deal with it...LOL) and more has accumulated since. Years of pure, pent up anger. (Hence my "Overwhelmed" posting about writing for M.A.D.D)

The good thing is that I recognize it and I'm not in some denial. NO INTERVENTION FOR ME! YAY! So, let's hope I can find my inner peace crap and rid myself of these little angry trolls that linger in me.

Here's the question. Do I think it will work? Will I find my tranquility, serenity & harmony? Hell, it's sure worth the shot! Even if all I get is a relaxed big toe, it's a start.

Ear candles are used to cleanse and harmonise the different energy fields of the individual (the aura) in preparation for the state of trance and to drive out negative energies. Ear candles are a clearing therapy and are used very successfully for many problems associated with the ears and the head area. The lymph system and metabolism can be influenced by this intensive, pleasant and completely painless method of operation.

The process involves the use of a hollow candle with the narrow end held gently onto the edge of the ear. The flame creates a relative vacuum in the ear which draws out poisons, old wax, residues of past infection and fungus. It will also pull out fluid, right through the membrane of the inner ear.

Ear Candling was an ancient remedy used by the Egyptians, Chinese, Greeks and the Hopi Indians of North America and is now widely used in many countries throughout the modern world. Each candle is still carefully made by hand from the traditional recipe. Locally administered heat stimulates the peripheral blood circulation, thus intensifying the immunological defence system, in addition to strengthening the cleansing circulation of the lymph glands. Stimulation also occurs to the energy points and reflex zones.

The Indians of North America have long understood the problems associated with this build-up in the ears and developed a soft wax tube that they inserted in each ear in turn. A heat vacuum is created, drawing material from the ear up into the candle, where it is then evaporated in the flame.

Candling provides the ears with deep cleansing, removing wax and debris build-up that is normally difficult to reach. It is non-invasive and gentle and is recommended for both children and adults.


Anonymous said...

Interesting stuff, you should check this out

I've tried reflexology and love it. Something to consider.

I hope you find what ur looking for and are able to release the unwelcome anger within you. Here's a ? for u...what if you don't find what ur looking for or get the results that you want?

Rain said...

Thanks for the link. I will give it a look! I have a little book on reflexology, but haven't had the chance to try it out yet.

To answer your question, I guess if I don't find what I'm looking for/get the results I want (in regards to the yoga & stuff), I will just have to keep searching. There's gotta be something out there that will help.

I do have a punching bag that needs to be hung up and punched! LOL.