Tuesday, March 07, 2006

Want To Have A Belly Laugh?

If you are pregnant and are looking for a good book to read while you sit there drinking your morning whatever, I have one for you. Belly Laughs by Jenny McCarthy. It is bloody hilarious and I highly recommend it. There are many books and websites out there that tend to candy coat or use huge weird words to describe what a woman may go through during pregnancy, but never really "discuss" it the way most women feel. Not Jenny, she chats about a bunch of different things she went through and tells them like a girlfriend would over coffee. It's also nice to know that celebrities also go through some rather embarrassing times too

One piece of advice I have is not to read this book when you are laying in bed and your significant other is trying to sleep. *snicker snicker*

All in all, it's a great read. Especially for those of you who may be feeling a little blue and frustrated during your pregnancy.

Everyone needs a good laugh now and then.

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